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  • Morele waarde: weerloos of weerbaar? Dag van de Filosofie, NWE Vorst, Tilburg, The Netherlands (April 2023)

  • Personalizing Digital Nudges: Blessing or a Curse? Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands (March 2023) and Work in Progress Meeting, Department of Philosophy, Tilburg University, The Netherlands (April 2023).

  • The Ethics of Personalized Digital Nudging. Presentation for Second Steering Group Meeting of NudgeMe Project, Tilburg University, The Netherlands (January 2023).




  • Nudging in gezondheidszorg: wat, hoe en waarom (niet)? Presentation for Ethical Committee of Regionaal Ziekenhuis Heilig Hart Tienen, Tienen, Belgium (September 2022).

  • Personalized Digital Nudging: Ethical Perspectives. NudgeMe Kickoff Meeting, Tilburg University, The Netherlands (July 2022).

  • What I Really, Really Want: The Nature, Value and Limits of True Preferences in the Ethics of Nudging. 12th Braga Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal (June 2022).

  • What Would My Hero Do? Empirical, Conceptual and Ethical Perspectives on Moral Exemplar Interventions in Academic Character Education, TiLPS Seminar, Tilburg University (June 2022).

  • Waarom mensen niet altijd verdienen wat ze verdienen. Seminar for secondary school students of Emmauscollege. Postel, Belgium (June 2022).

  • Waarom meer niet altijd beter is, CC De Adelberg, Lommel, Belgium (May 2022).

  • Met z’n allen. Presentation and panel discussion during Book Presentation of ‘U-Turn: Wegwijzers naar een nieuw sociaal contract’. UCSIA, Antwerp, Belgium (May 2022).

  • What Would My Hero Do? Capstone Conference on ‘Exemplar Interventions’, Wake Forest University, United States (May 2022).

  • Rentier Capitalism and Its Impact on Human Well-being: The Easterlin Paradox Revisited. Together with Alan Thomas and Alfred Archer. Seminar ‘Political Psychology: Between Passions and Philosophy’. Seminar at Lorraine University, Nancy, France (March 2022).

  • De Dude en het goede leven: Levensfilosofische reflecties over The Big Lebowski. Vriendenseminarie, Heusden-Zolder, Belgium (January 2022).

  • Moral Nudging: Oxymoron or Imperative? Together with Thomas Nys. OZSW Annual Conference, Tilburg University, The Netherlands (December 2021) and Seminar at Centre for Philosophy, Politics and Economics, University of Groningen, The Netherlands (January 2022).




  • Competition: What It Is and Why It Is Morally Problematic. Together with Yvette Drissen. TiLPS seminar, Tilburg University, The Netherlands (April 2020), 5th International Economic Philosophy Conference, Warsaw, Poland (June 2021), Conference on The Significance of Work, Tilburg University, The Netherlands (August 2021) and OZSW Annual Conference, Tilburg University, The Netherlands (December 2021).

  • Market Nudges and Autonomy, together with Viktor Ivankovic. Interdisciplinary Perspectives On Decision-Making Processes International Workshop, Rijeka University, Croatia (June 2021), 5th International Economic Philosophy Conference, Warsaw, Polen (June 2021) and Influenthics seminar, Université Catholique de Lille, France (October 2021).

  • Covid paspoort: stap vooruit of achteruit op weg naar vrijheid? Together with Maureen Sie. Hartslagcafé: De filosofie draait door, organized by Studium Generale, Tilburg University, The Netherlands (September 2021).

  • Nudging: blessing or curse? Online talk at: Theme Night ‘Nudging’, organized by: Studievereniging SIB-Utrecht and Sola Scriptura, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands (February 2021).

  • Nudging towards Virtue. Online invited talk at: workshop ‘Striving for Perfection’, organized by: Kansai University, Japan (February 2021).

  • Magnolia as Philosophy. Online TiLPS seminar, Tilburg University, The Netherlands (February 2021).

  • De rol van morele voorbeeldinterventies in academische karaktervorming. Online talk at: Teacher Meeting on Character Building, organized by Tilburg University, The Netherlands (January 2021).

  • Commercial Online Choice Architecture: When Roads Are Paved With Bad Intentions. Online talk together with Thomas Nys at: OZSW Conference, organized by Tilburg University (December 2020) and at Online Manipulation workshop, organized by Delft University, The Netherlands (April 2021).




  • Exemplars and Nudges in Moral Education. Online invited talk at workshop on moral education, organized by: University of Northampton, United Kingdom (December 2020).

  • Gedragsbeïnvloeding door overheid: zegen of vloek? Online talk at: Symposium ‘Gedragsbestuurkunde’, organized by: Studievereniging BOW, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands (September 2020).

  • Zomergesprek met Bart Engelen. Interview by Studium Generale about my research, Covid-19 and the kind of philosophy I deem valuable. Tilburg University, The Netherlands (September 2020). Available online:

  • The Ethics of the Targeted Use of Personal Data, lecture at The Price of Your Data, organized by Academic Forum, ELSA Tilburg and Students Tilburg Amnesty International, Tilburg University (February 2020), online guest lecture for the course ‘Self, Society, Technology’ at Michigan State University, United States of America (October 2020).

  • Gedragsbeïnvloeding door overheid: zegen of vloek? Online talk at: Symposium ‘Gedragsbestuurkunde’, organized by: Studievereniging BOW, Radboud University Nijmegen (September 2020).

  • Zomergesprek met Bart Engelen. Interview by Studium Generale about my research, Covid-19 and the kind of philosophy I deem valuable. Tilburg University (September 2020). Available online:

  • The Ethics of the Targeted Use of Personal Data, lecture at The Price of Your Data, organized by Academic Forum, ELSA Tilburg and Students Tilburg Amnesty International, Tilburg University (February 2020), online guest lecture for course course ‘Self, Society, Technology’ at Michigan State University (United States of America) (October 2020).




  • The Role of Exemplars and Emotions in Academic Character Building, together with Anne Reitz, Wake Forest University, United States of America (November 2019). 

  • Digital Nudging for Health: Tempting People to Overcome Temptations, together with Nynke van der Laan, Night University, Tilburg University, The Netherlands (October 2019).

  • Nudging for Health in the Digital Era: Empirical and Ethical Perspectives, together with Nynke van der Laan, TSHD Colloquium, Tilburg University, The Netherlands (October 2019).

  • What Not to Nudge?, chairing a ‘Roundtable Discussion’ with Amanda Cawston, Eva Groen-Reijnman and Malik Bozzo-Rey during the conference ‘WINK: Nudging and Beyond’ at Utrecht, The Netherlands (June 2019).

  • Nudging and Autonomy, TiLPS seminar, Tilburg University, The Netherlands (May 2019).

  • Gedragsbeïnvloeding door nudging: zegen of vloek? Invited lecture for VGSU, Utrecht (May 2019).

  • Manipulation: A Conceptual Analysis, 12th International Conference on Data Protection and Democracy, Brussels (January 2019).




  • Wat maakt ons gelukkig? Vlaamse actieve senioren, Brugge, Belgium (November 2018).

  • Ethische problemen met ons huidig consumptiegedrag, Background Education vzw, Mechelen, Belgium (October 2018).

  • Nudging and Autonomy: Health Care Nudges, workshop on ‘The Applied Ethics of Nudging’, University of Stirling, Stirling, United Kingdom (September 2018) and workshop on ‘Nudging and Public Health - And Beyond’, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark (November 2018).

  • On Behavioral Techniques in Markets, MANCEPT 18 Workshop on ‘The Politics of Nudging’, Manchester University, Manchester, United Kingdom (September 2018).

  • Inequality, Well-Being and Status, Capstone Conference of ‘Happiness and Well-Being’ project, Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, United States (May 2018).

  • Geluk en genot, waarheid en illusie, CC Adelberg, Lommel, Belgium (March 2018).




  • Nudging, Autonomy and Transparency, chairing a ‘Roundtable Discussion’ with Luc Bovens, Andreas Schmidt and Viktor Ivankovic during the conference ‘WINK: The Nudge Conference’ at Utrecht, The Netherlands (June 2017).

  • Wetenschappelijke inzichten en filosofische reflecties over geluk, VOC Hasselt, Hasselt, Belgium (May 2017).

  • An Apple A Day Takes Your Freedom Away? The Do’s and Donuts of Nudge Paternalism, Intensive course on Justice and Priority Setting Choices in Health Care, Leuven (March 2017).

  • Wellbeing and Inequality, together with Alfred Archer, ‘ethics seminar’ at TiLPS, Tilburg University, The Netherlands (March 2017).

  • Nudging and Rationality, ‘Choice’ seminar at the Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Sciences (CPNSS), London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London, United Kingdom (March 2017). Online at:




  • Autonomie en rationaliteit, CC Adelberg, Lommel, Belgium (October 2016).

  • The Consequentialist Turn in Debates on the Ethics of Nudging, MANCEPT 16 Workshop on ‘New Hopes for Realistic Utopias’, Manchester University, Manchester, United Kingdom (September 2016).

  • Nudging Towards Morality: The Happy Wedding Between Nudging and Consequentialism, Conference ‘Designing Moral Technologies: Theoretical, Practical, and Ethical Issues’, University of Zürich, Ascona, Switzerland (July 2016).

  • The Definition and Role of Preference in Positive Economics, Third International Conference on Economic Philosophy, GEQAM, Aix-en-Provence, France (June 2016).

  • How Liberal Governments Should Treat Their Less Than Rational Citizens, invited speaker at Conference ‘Nudges and Normativities: At the Crossroads of Law and Public Policy’, Sciences Po, Paris, France (June 2016).

  • Debating the Pros and Cons of Nudging, tutorial for MA Students ‘Philosophy, Science and Society’, Tilburg University (April 2016).




  • Towards a Framework for Evaluating the Desirability of Nudges, OZSW Conference 2015, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (December 2015).

  • The Definition and Role of Self-Interest and Preferences in Economic Models, Research Seminar in Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands (December 2015).

  • An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: The Do’s and Donuts of Libertarian Paternalism, together with Yvonne Denier. Erasmus Mundus Intensive Course on Justice and Priority Setting in Health Care. Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium (October 2015).

  • Judging Nudging: Is It Wrong to Manipulate People Into Healthier Lifestyles?, Workshop ‘Nudges: New Normativity in the Public Sphere’, MANCEPT 15, Manchester University, Manchester, United Kingdom (September 2015).

  • Alles is relatief! Waarom meer niet altijd beter is, Dag van de filosofie, De NWE Vorst, Tilburg, The Netherlands (April 2015).

  • Development: What, Why and How?, Symposium ‘The Dutch Borders and Beyond’, Beyond Borders, Tilburg, The Netherlands (February 2015).

  • Are Nudges Manipulative and Does This Actually Matter?, Research Seminar in Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands (February 2015).




  • Let’s Move! How Paternalist Can and Should Liberals Be in Promoting Health?, together with Thomas Nys. Erasmus Mundus Intensive Course on Justice and Priority Setting in Health Care. Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven, Leuven (October 2014).

  • Rationality and Valuation in Health Care: What Exactly Constitutes a ‘Good’ Choice? Erasmus Mundus Intensive Course on Justice and Priority Setting in Health Care. Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven, Leuven (October 2014).

  • Biting the Bullet: Why Levelling Down Can Benefit Everybody. Social Equality Conference, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa (August 2014).

  • The Ethics of Nudging: Is Libertarian Paternalism the Way to Go? La Sociedad de Alumnos de Lic. en Ciencia Politica. Monterrey, Mexico (February 2014).

  • When Less Can Be More: Equality, Levelling Down and the Positional Rat Race. Departamento de Filosofia y Etica. Monterrey, Mexico (February 2014).

  • The Definition and Role of Preference in Positive Economics. Ninth Conference of the International Network for Economic Method, Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (June 2013).

  • Talking Money: How Economic Valuation Can Undermine the Support for Environmental Protection, together with Stijn Neuteleers. Tenth Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, Lille, France (June 2013).

  • Neoliberalisme en vermarkting: Een kritiek op Paul Verhaeghes kritiek. TSG 't Zal Wel Gaan, Universiteit Gent (April 2013).

  • Rationality and Prosociality: Integrating Philosophical, Evolutionary, Economic and Sociological Perspectives. Evolution, Cooperation and Rationality, Bristol (June 2011).

  • Norms and Rationality in Explaining Prosocial Behavior. Meeting on Ethics and Political Philosophy, University of Minho, Braga (May 2011).

  • The Normative Study of Collective Decision-Making. Preventing Mischief in Juries, Assemblies and Elections, Louvain-la-Neuve (March 2011).

  • Populaire filosofie en populaire cultuur. Centrum voor Ethiek, Sociale en Politieke Filosofie. KU Leuven, Leuven (December 2010).

  • Populaire filosofie: contradictio in terminis? Vlaams-Nederlandse filosofiedag, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands (November 2010).

  • Nudged Towards Your Own Good: Conceptual Problems and Normative Worries With Libertarian Paternalism, together with Thomas Nys. Second Annual Dutch Conference on Practical Philosophy, Groningen, The Netherlands (October 2010) and workshop Broodje Ethiek. KU Leuven, Leuven (January 2011).

  • A Mild Defense of Compulsory Attendance. Mardi Intime de Chaire Hoover. Louvain-La-Neuve (May 2010).

  • The Deliberative Case Against the Secret Ballot (and Why It Fails). Global Conference on Problems of Democracy, Prague, Czech Republic (May 2010).

  • Referenda: een versterking voor de democratie?, workshop Jong NVA, Brussels, Belgium (December 2009).

  • My Way or the Highway: Why Economists Should Stop Isolating Themselves From Other Behavioral Scientists, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Annual Conference, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (November 2009) en Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics Seminar, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (December 2009).

  • Is vrijheid een illusie?, Filosofienacht, Horn, The Netherlands (November 2009).

  • Why Economists Can and Should Build Realistic Models of People, Ethics for Lunch seminar at the Faculty of Business and Ethics, KU Leuven, Leuven (November 2009).

  • The Deliberative Case Against the Secret Ballot (and Why It Fails), international conference ‘Brave New World 2009’, School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom (June 2009).

  • When Economic Models Fail, international conference on ‘Modeling the World: Perspectives from Biology and Economics’, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland (May 2009).

  • When Isolation Goes Too Far, Monday Seminar TINT, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland (May 2009).

  • Open Voting: Why the Secret Ballot Should Not Be a Sacred Cow, Ethics and Public Policy Seminar at the Faculty of Philosophy, KU Leuven, Leuven (March 2009).

  • Waarheid en relativisme, Stuk, Leuven (December 2008).

  • De waardevolle maar beperkte rol van verbeelding in de politieke filosofie, De Nederlands-Vlaamse filosofiedag at the Faculty of Philosophy, Leuven (November 2008).

  • Aggregative and Deliberative Democracy, Ethics and Public Policy Seminar at the Faculty of Philosophy, KU Leuven, Leuven (October 2008).

  • Rationality and Prosociality: Why Social Norms Against Self-Interested Behavior Make Sense, seminar at the Centre for Economics and Ethics, Faculty of Business and Economics, KU Leuven, Leuven (January 2008) and European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Annual Conference, University of Roma Tre, Rome, Italy (November 2008).

  • Compulsory Voting and its Effects on Political Participation, Interest and Efficacy, Joint Sessions of workshops of the European Consortium for Political Research, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland (May 2007).

  • De economische conceptie van rationaliteit en haar problemen, doctoral seminar at the Faculty of Philosophy, KU Leuven, Leuven (February 2007).

  • Complementing Markets and States: The Importance of Communities, Fourth Pavia Graduate Conference, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy (September 2006).

  • Bowles and Gintis on Cooperation, Egoism, Altruism and Reciprocity, seminar at the Centre for Economics and Ethics, Faculty of Business and Economics, KU Leuven, Leuven (March 2006).

  • The Expressive Rationality of Voting: Criticizing and Complementing Public Choice, Fifth European Congress for Analytic Philosophy, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal (August 2005).

  • The Assumptions of James Buchanan’s Theory of Constitutional Choice, seminar at the Faculty of Philosophy, KU Leuven, Leuven (May 2005).

  • De waarde en beperkingen van een economische benadering van het publieke domein, doctoral seminar at the Faculty of Philosophy, KU Leuven, Leuven (November 2004).

  • The Politics-Economics-Ethics Continuum Revisited. Why Not Define Politics, Economics and Ethics only by Ends and Means?, Ninth International Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, Pamplona, Spain (August 2004).

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